
Das The HONourables Business and Lifestyle Network bietet seinen Mitgliedern Mehrwerte aus den Bereichen Business, Lifestyle, Kultur, Sport, Entertainment uva.

GC Beuerberg

Fascinated by the beautiful and tranquil location of the Sterz farming estate near Beuerberg, Swiss entrepreneur Urs Zondler took up the challenge of building a very special golf course in 1982, engaging the Scottish architect Donald Harradine. The…
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Vice Golf

Vice stands for advanced technology of the highest calibre, combined with simple, clean yet powerful design that redefines the essence of golfing passion. Golf balls of the highest quality – and thanks to direct distribution, at prices that are a…
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Heritage Le Telfair (5*+) – Der Charme vergangener Zeiten Das im Stil der Kolonial-Architektur des 19. Jahrhunderts errichtete Heritage Le Telfair Golf & Spa Resort, Mitglied der „Small Luxury Hotels of the World“, versprüht den…
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Golfclub Gut Rieden

Die Golfanlage Gut Rieden liegt auf einem eiszeitlichen Moränenhügel oberhalb des Starnberger Sees. Von den einzelnen Bahnen können Sie immer wieder herrliche Blicke auf den See und die gesamte bayerische Alpenkette vom Karwendel bis zur…
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Mark Stevenson

“For people who have never experienced golf, this may be a “walk with obstacles,” as a famous author once wrote. But almost everyone who has tried it once, is blown away. There is no more satisfying feeling than hitting the ball…
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